Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Leo comes to visit!

We had a great time introducing Zoe to her new friend Leo (Jen and Jonathan's beautiful son). Leo lives in Queens and says things like, "How YOU doin?" and we love him. Zoe was especially fond of his toys and sticking her finger in his mouth. Leo seemed amused. Zoe misses him terribly...

Bibs - it's all about the right one - I'm getting rid of the small ones, the ones that velcro (at 9 months, she can just pull them off), and the ones that are just ugly - okay, so now we'll have...none! The snap is the way to go. Starting all over with bibs...

Raffi - jury's out. I like some of it - but some of the lovey dovey all wonderful world is a bit much. Not that love is bad, just the way he sings about it. Must listen to more. Baby Beluga is definitely cool.

Sesame Street. I've been meaning to watch it with Zoe Mae for months now. We turned it on today, and who do you think was on the screen? Elmo and ZOE! She loved it until Cookie Monster came out with a bicycle helmet on his head (that made her cry). Once he took it off, she seemed okay. This makes me question our grand plans to make her the fastest, youngest cyclist in Durham. She definitely was most amused by the African Animal Alphabet. Anyway, just trying to decide if this kind of TV is okay by me. I'm thinking that it is, as long as we watch together, and it's not just some kind of babysitting tool.

That's all for now. I'm hoping to keep up with this blog more regularly.